Overall, what did you think of The Memory Library? (no spoilers, please!)

Overall, what did you think of The Memory Library? (no spoilers, please!)

I loved The Memory Library. It’s one of my favorite books that I wish I could read again for the first time. Having experienced a similar, but different situation with my mother, I found myself exploring Ella/my part of the relationship. All parts, obvious and subtle. I love reading books about mother-daughter relationships. Author, Kate Storey, creates a wonderful community of love, friendship and forgiveness.

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I enjoyed it. The mother/daughter relationship drama was interesting

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Not one of my favorites, I just felt like this book was so predictable and was in fact boring in some places. Ella, at 42 years old, holds a grudge against her mother since high school. About 24 years??? Seems unhealthy to go that long and only resolves when her Mother becomes ill, sad but predictable. I couldn’t get any feeling of empathy for Ella. So much better storylines out there to read!

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I didn’t really like the protagonist, Ella, and it kept me from fully engaging with the book / story. Sally seemed like a dynamic person, and the “sin” held against her by daughter Ella seemed a bit anticlimactic. Ella’s immaturity and her thinly described life in Australia made the book one that never quite drew me in. That said, there were moments were dialogue was fantastic and thought provoking…

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I did find the mother-daughter relationship interesting but I had very little patience for Ella. The story line was a bit predictable but I did enjoy reading the book. There were a few twists and turns and I did expect one more at the end that might have produced a happier ending but that didn’t materialize. It in some ways reminded me of a children’s book I despised, The Giving Tree. Which as I grew older I began to see that the point of my despising it may actually have been the point!

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I found the book to be an easy read. I wouldn’t put it in the top ten best book Iist.

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I found the book to be very trite and predictable. From the first page you already knew what was going to happen in the end. Sorry but I would not recommend this book to anyone.

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Like others, I did find the book predictable, but I enjoyed seeing the specific way the story played out. I liked seeing Ella mature, and her relationship with Verity seemed authentic. Most of all, though, I thought the portrayal of her mother’s health issues (trying not to give spoilers) was quite moving.

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I loved this book and have already mentioned it to the book club I’m currently in. I loved the idea of choosing books and writing an inscription or someone special. I may even start this for my goddaughter.

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I thought the book was ok, not great. Ella is stuck in high school! Her grudge against her mother was a blanket she kept around herself to "protect"her fro hurt or pain. Often I found myself thinking,“Grow up!”. 24 years is a long time to stay away, I found it hard to believe she would returnjsut becasue her mother was sick.

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I liked it. It would be a good book club discussion book on a lighter side. Like I stated before, it was predictable but was a pleasant book to read. I work in our local library and there are certain patrons that this book would be an excellent book to refer them to.

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Although it was predictable, It was a nice, gentle read after some of the challenging titles my book club chooses. Most of the titles on her shelves were familiar to me - and I’ve already checked Libby for those that were not.

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:I wanted to keep reading to the end. However, I was upset with Sally for not telling the truth to Elle to begin with. I did like the characters and the love shown to others. The book was a great example what a caring community looks like.

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I was not enthralled with the book. It was so very predictable. It felt like same story, different author.

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It was ok, easy read. Would be a book club pick

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I liked that dementia was presented in a non-judgemental, accepting way. Too many times persons with dementias are dismissed or ignored. They may not remember your name, but they will know you are snubbing them!
The plot was predictable. Ella was too good, but also too bad.

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I enjoyed The Memory Library. While it was an easy read for me, I found the topics covered interesting and thoughtfully written. It would make a great book club read!

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I found the story engaging. I liked the theme of family and friends. The idea of a book for each year in a child’s life struck me as touching - left me wishing I had done that as a mother. I could not really relate to this particular mother/daughter relationship though, so the end struck me as idealistic.

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I enjoyed this memorable and thought-provoking novel. I could relate to many things, and would highly recommend this novel.

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