Do you track the number of pages you read?

Do you track what you read, and if so, what stats do you record (number of pages, genre, etc.)?

When I first joined Goodreads way back when, I was a member of a group that posted a monthly reading challenge, where about 20 reading tasks would be given points depending on how hard it was to meet. They ranked from 10-pointer easy tasks (“Read a book with a red cover”) to 50-pointer items (“Read a book over 600 pages”). The person with the most points “won.” So I used to track all sorts of stats for my reading. It was fun at the time but became burdensome after a while. I’ve since moved on and track much less data, just title, author, genre, format, and rating/comments.

I track pages read in Goodreads and in my book journal, although I am seriously considering discontinuing use of Goodreads because of differences with the concept of Amazon and its effects on small businesses. I also track several other indicators (genre, format, how I obtained the book, fiction vs nonfiction, etc) in my journal and through BookBrowse tags.



I keep track of the books I read on Goodreads and on my blog.

I don’t actually pay attention to the number of pages or the genre because I mostly read historical fiction and mystery. Goodreads is good at all of that, though. :slight_smile:

Thanks, Kim.

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I stack my TBR pile according to length in order to start quickly on my reading goals. Goodreads keeps track of my pages. My genre list is pretty diversified since I read award winners from different categories.

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I do not. I read for the joy of the story and not the length. I somewhat keep track on Goodreads, more for what I have gotten online. I believe in you do you and whatever gives you pleasure …do it or don’t do it!

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I keep track of the title & author, use a 4-star rating system (but if a book is a 1, I’m not finishing it), & write a very brief notation about the book. It’s all written down in a notebook I’ve been keeping since 2015. I number each book & indicate the month so I can keep a running tally of the number of books I read each year. I don’t have the patience to record them on Goodreads.

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I don’t track the number of pages, only the number of books for the Goodreads Challange

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Very interesting question. I don’t track pages per se because nearly all books I read I actually listen to. That said, I do keep close track of the remaining hours that I have to listen to each book before the loan expires, and make my listening length choices accordingly because I’m mostly listening to at least two books at the same time. So in a way, I guess I’m counting pages but not really.

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I have a journal where by month I track the books I read, title and author. I also keep track on BookBrowse and Goodreads. I just started keeping track on StoryGraph and am thinking about stopping Goodreads.


I keep a running list of authors and titles read for both fiction and non-fiction.

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I guess I have never cared how many pages a book had.

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I don’t keep track of pages or even titles; however, my library keeps on list of e-books I’ve read every month along with cover pictures. Looks like I borrowed and read 100+ last year and 6 so far this month.

I used to keep a journal of the books that I read, including a short summary, but then along came Libby with its very convenient, reverse chronological reading Timeline and I stopped keeping the journal. I must say that I admire you for keeping a journal. Sometimes I miss it, but I have kept all of my previous reading journals and do look at them from time to time. It’s a great memory refresher!

:blush: Love your candor, Cheryl!

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The Librarian in me loves your system of organization and record-keeping, Carol Ann, not to mention the dedication across the span of so many years.

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I was a reference librarian doing readers advisory for 30+ years so it helped to keep track of the titles I read so I always had a list of of what I’d read. I started it before there were online resources to use to keep track of the titles & never felt like changing. If it ain’t broke…


Well that explains it❣️ I suspect you might get a kick out of this image a friend of mine recently shared.


I track the same as you @kim.kovacs plus dates read.

I’ve kept track of the books I’ve read since 1991. Originally it was on paper but now I rely on Goodreads. Like several others here I’m thinking of leaving that platform (I’ve exported my reading list each year so leaving isn’t a problem.) and have started Storygraph. I really like some of the stats they keep. I don’t put in the effort but if it’s done for me then great!

I track the titles of the books I read on Goodreads but find their annual count is usually incorrect. I have kept a reading journal for several years. It includes my annual reading goals, the books I have read, format, genre and any other notes about the book. Don’t track pages or audiobook hours.