Books by Renee Rosen

Does reading Let’s Call Her Barbie make you want to read other historical fiction books by Renee Rosen? Of her 9 novels, I have read 6. Everything she writes is good. And they all center on women in history.


I checked out her other books and ordered 3. Although I have not read the Barbie book.

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I feel pretty confident that you will like her books. And if you do, then check out Marie Benedict. She also writes historical fiction about women. Her The Only Woman in the Room, about the actress Hedy Lamarr, is really good.

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Lady Clementine by Marie Benedict is also very good and informative, even if it is nonfiction.

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I have read Marie Benedict. You should check out Fiona Davis. She is a favorite of mine.

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Oooh, there are some great recommendations here. The only author I’m familiar with of those you’ve mentioned is Marie Benedict - I’ve read several of hers. @Lloyd_R, which was your favorite Renee Rosen book of those you’ve read?

My favorite of Renee’s is definitely Let’s Call Her Barbie. My next favorite Rosen is Windy City Blues.

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I have read 2 of Fiona’s books - The Masterpiece and The Magnolia Palace. I definitely liked The Magnolia Palace better.

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I haven’t read Lady Clementine. But I trust Marie that all of her historical fiction books are good. Besides The Only Women in the Room, I’ve also read The Other Einstein and, with Victoria Christopher Murray, The Personal librarian. All 3 are really good.

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The Lions of Fifth Avenue was my favorite.

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I’ll put that on my TBR list.

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I also have enjoyed her other books. That is why I am so excited about reading her current book “Barbie.” Her writing really captures the era in which the novel takes place and reveals insights into the lives of women through time. I highly recommend her books!

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I obviously agree! They are all good.

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Yes…I want to read more of her books!

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Renee will be Zooming in to our book club on April 23 at 7:00pst. We will talk about Barbie, of course, and also her back story of how she became an author. If you want to Zoom in with us, let me know. We will get you the link.

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Yes, I want to read more by the author. I just purchased the Social Graces.

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Glad to hear it. You won’t be disappointed.

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