Who are the Henry Morgans and John Mosbys of the modern world, waging brutality under the guise of civility?

Who are the Henry Morgans and John Mosbys of the modern world, waging brutality under the guise of civility?

There are so many . . .

Anyone espousing Christian Nationalism is a misguided threat to America. Many of our elected representatives are modern day Morgans and Mosbys. They claim they want a return to “common sense” when what they want is a return to a world without civil rights, equal justice, respect for the Constitution, and adherence to the rule of law. A world in which white men rule. It’s disgusting and frightening. As a retired civil rights attorney, I find it repulsive and horrifying. :balance_scale:


Not much more to add as I completely agree with @Janie-Hickok-Siess! Selfishness and power are their instruments hidden by false claims of Christianity and patriotism.


Oh gosh. Our current president

Unfortunately, I agree with all of the above! The President has made it ok for many people to show their feelings of racism and desire for an all white nation. Very scary to think how things will look during these 4 years and I truly feel for minorities and anyone on the fringe. It is a time for all of us to stand up for those who are vulnerable .