Which individual did you ultimately have the most sympathy for? Who did you end up having the least sympathy for? Did the actions of any of the officers or crew make you angry, and if so, which?

Which individual did you ultimately have the most sympathy for? Who did you end up having the least sympathy for? Did the actions of any of the officers or crew make you angry, and if so, which?

I had the most sympathy for John Byron. He was so young and inexperienced. It must have been so scary for him to be thrown into this situation as one of the few young people and carry all the responsibility he had.

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I had the most sympathy for Byron. I think he went to sea due to his lack of options. He had “few means to earn a respectable living”. Throughout the book he showed a willingness to learn the tasks of the ship and even tried to working as a problem solver when the Wager wrecked.
It is an easy choice for me to have little sympathy for Cheap. He was a bully and didn’t seem to have compassionate ways of working with others. It was all about “him”.