When did you discover the novel is based on a true story? Did it change your opinion of the work, or how you approached it? What did you think of the points at which the author deviated from history?
I realized the novel was based on a true story after reading it when I read the author’s note. I appreciated not only how the author fleshed out the bare bones of the story, but also how he laid out what was factual vs. what was fictional in the afterword. I thought the premise was believable, so learning it was based on a true story did not change my opinion or how I approached the novel. I think the points where he deviated from history provided drama and tension. This is the second historical novel I’ve read recently that was based on a true story. With the other novel, The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon, I knew prior to reading that it was based on a true story, but knowing before also did not change my opinion or approach, but I am interested to discover the impact it had on other readers.
I learned it was inspired by a real-life friendship across enemy lines, from the book description. I enjoy real-life stories and expect when reading a historical fiction novel that the author has the liberty to sometimes embellish or just add a bit more to make it a more compelling read.
I love reading historical fiction. It allows me to imagine the scene of the story, knowing that there is some deviation from the facts, but still giving me an opportunity to connect with real people in a different time period.
My experience and reaction was like Karen’s, detailed above.
Since I read a lot of historical fiction, I assume some aspect of the story was inspired by real events, but was a bit surprised to read how much of it was routed in an actual incident. Bohjalian did an excellent job, as Karen pointed out, of filling in the blanks because not enough information was available to tell a complete story, ramping up the dramatic tension with credible and believable enhancements. I went into the book blind because of my prior experiences with Bohjalian’s work. He is an “auto-read” author for me.
I also did not realize it was inspired by a true story until after I finished the book and read the author’s note. I figured it was a “what if…” kind of tale. I still really liked the book but I think I appreciated it more after finding out it was based on real people.
I had a feeling early into the book that it was based on a true story. I thoroughly enjoyed Chris’s way of bringing the characters to life and his in depth research.
I often check for an authors note when I’m reading historical fiction to find out how much is fact or real people. It doesn’t really bother me if it’s mainly fictional. I just don’t like it to be unrealistic
Historical fiction is my favorite genre… I love to learn about a historical event, but love when the authors add their take to the event as well. I do appreciate when the author lets the reader know which were facts and which events were embellished.
I found out about the true events from the authors afterward notes which were enlightening! He really brought out the excitement and dread of the stories characters. I thought the afterward gave me a better insight to the story.
Totally agree. I suspected there was truth to this story; however, I am glad I waited until I finished the book before I read the author’s note. I was able to totally immerse myself in the characters and the setting without knowing the end.
I do not know when I discovered this book was based on a historic event, but that caused me to research the event and to do some reading about the actual event, and even to read about the civil war itself in a History of the United States by Jill Lemore.