Weybridge tries to help Jubilee understand the abolitionist cause, while later, Joseph gives Weybridge a grim dose of reality about what life will be like after the war. What perpetuated the system that kept Joseph and Sally from being truly free?

In chapter 14, Weybridge tries to help Jubilee understand the abolitionist cause, while in chapter 20, Joseph gives Weybridge a grim dose of reality about what life will be like after the war. What perpetuated the system that kept Joseph and Sally from being truly free?

The Civil War had complicated origins. Most of us were taught in school that it was about slavery and abolition, but it was about so, so much more. It was about commerce, land, power . . . and slavery was a huge component of the South’s social and economic structure. Jubilee wisely observes, “You Yankees won’t leave us be. That’s why we’re fightin’.” The system that kept Joseph and Sally from being truly free was the white patriarchy. The same one that has risen back up in America today and threatens our democratic republic at this moment.

Jubilee and Joseph’s conversations were both telling, Jubilee understands that its power the South wants but she is innocent thinking they will do what’s right like her father and her uncle did. Weybridge dies a great job exposing this to her. Joseph understands that who you are will dictate how the South will place you in their hierarchy, he knows Libby will never be accepted for helping a slave gain freedom no matter her husbands decision to fight fur the south and she will never be forgiven fir helping a fellow human being because he was a yankee. Thus, the southern loss of power and their demand of loyalty will never forgive Joseph, Sally or Libby. Joseph also understands that while the North is fighting to end human bondage they are still prejudice and black people will always be second class so never completely free.

Greed by southern slave holders and the belief that Black people were not fully human