Ruth and Jack were both instrumental in the creation of Barbie, and each took credit for the name and the doll itself. After Jack's tragic death, Ruth downplayed if not erased his contribution. Did you think Jack had a right to claim he created Barbie?

Ruth and Jack were both instrumental in the creation of Barbie. Ironically, they each had a Barbara in their lives and took credit for the name and the doll itself. After Jack’s tragic death, Ruth did a little revisionist history and downplayed if not erased his contributions to the doll’s success. Did you think Jack had a right to claim he created Barbie?

Jack engineered Barbie. Is that creating her? The idea of Barbie was developed by Ruth and then worked on by the whole creative team. Without Ruth’s idea, the engineering of Barbie would not have been necessary. So do I think that Jack should have taken credit for her - absolutely not.


He definitely had the right to claim he was an integral part of how popular Barbie became. But Ruth was the driving force. He did not have the right to say he invented Barbie. That was his ego talking.


Both Ruth and Jack did contribute to “Barbie”. Barbie was from Ruth’s idea and creative nature, and Jack was the engineer instrumental in getting her to have moveable parts. There were also designers responsible for the gorgeous dresses.


No, I don’t think that Jack had a right to say he created Barbie. The doll was Ruth’s concept from the beginning, and she had to fight hard to convince those involved that a grown-up fashion doll would interest little girls. Ruth had a brilliant concept and deserves full credit for creating Barbie. Jack deserves credit for designing and engineering Barbie, which is certainly a huge accomplishment in itself.


I do feel like Ruth was the driving factor behind Barbie and was more the creator than Jack. I tend to think that while Jack was talented, any number of designers could have helped shape the doll, while Ruth was the only one who thought of it and championed it even when it looked like it would be a failure.


I think Ruth was the creator. She had the idea, and even brought the doll from Germany to show part of the concept. Ruth also understood the need and the business return that would be possible for such a doll.

Jack made it possible, but without Ruth he would not have made the doll. It was Ruth that came up with the idea and pushed him to make it possible. In the beginning, they were a terrific team. But, no he was not the creator, he was the developer and engineer of the doll.


Ruth not only came up with the idea for Barbie but she truly believed in her creation and fought to make it happen.

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Jack was very egotistic and wanted to be known as the creator, and he definitely tried to take all the credit. As far as the engineering details, he contributed the most, but Ruth was the true creator as she dreamed up the concept and carried it though to fruition, and beyond.


Jack did not have the right to claim he created Barbie, although he played a key role in the execution of Ruth’s idea and vision. Since Ruth had the vision for what she wanted Barbie to be and the idea to create Barbie, I would define her as the creator.


Well, Ruth had the idea and was the driving force against a lot of opposition - Jack engineered it from Ruth’s concept, so no he. developed Ruth’s idea, but technically you could say he created Barbie, but it wasn’t his idea or design. He was a total mess, so I can see his reasoning.


I think Ruth created Barbie and Jack designed her. I don’t believe he created her. In his statements, he could have said that Ruth created her and he designed her to bring her to life.