Overall, what did you think of The Jackal’s Mistress? (no spoilers, please!)
The characters are memorable and brought to life by Chris Bohjalian’s writing. I was fully invested in this compelling story right from the start. Chris Bohjalian is a great storyteller and this was such an enjoyable read.
I always enjoy reading books by Chris Bohjalian. His writing and his ability to weave a good tale are fabulous. I enjoyed this story about the Civil War just as I have enjoyed his others books.
Overall, I enjoyed the story. It kept my interest and I was invested in the characters, but I felt it was somewhat lacking in depth. I was engaged, but not transported. At the end, I felt like I’d read more an outline of a really good story than a fully developed novel. And while I was interested in the characters, I also felt that they were somewhat underdeveloped – most either wholly good, or entirely bad. I did appreciate the multiple perspectives, and the enjoyed the banter between Weybridge and Jubilee. It reminded me of how Polly and Thatcher Greenwood interacted in Barbara Kingolver’s Unsheltered.
The stories about these characters during the Civil War were very believable. The descriptions of battle were excellent, and the southern characters were most intriguing. I thought it was an outstanding book, especially from a historical fiction viewpoint.
The Jackal’s Mistress is a superbly written and exhaustively researched civil war novel set in northern Virginia. This exciting book has great character development and an interesting plot. The main characters are extremely likable, and there are plenty of villains to offset them. This is one of the best books I have had the privilege to review for Book Browse, and I highly recommend it, especially if you like historical fiction based on well documented true events.
It was a good story that was under developed compared to past stories. I did not really see the characters clearly. It was not one of his best books.
I really enjoyed this novel as I particularly enjoy Civil War stories. The whole time I was reading, I kept thinking how similar the plot was to other novels I have read where a woman falls in love with an enemy soldier. However, CB kept the story feeling new and fresh. The ending was solid and realistic.
I found this book interesting while learning more about the struggle of slaves in the United States. The story depicted the cruelty of war, particularly the Civil War, and the treatment of Blacks during that time. This is a good historical fiction book for people who want to increase their knowledge of systemic racial prejudice in the U.S.
I enjoyed this book a lot. I felt as though it presented a different aspect of the Civil War than I have typically read. It was such a brutal war literally being fought in backyards. I thought the characters were well developed and seemed “real”.
I lived it, yes the ending was problematic fir me in structure as it was rushed and the epilogue felt forced but overall the story and the characters were engaging, felt realistic and the story plot was exciting!
I found the storylines engaging, especially relating to todays issues with systemic racism, the sections toward the end when Joseph was in the north yet still treated differently by people fighting a war against slavery was the perfect highlight of what is still happening today and how people just do not want to deal with the shame of it. I thought it was a good highlight on today’s issues with money vs equality and inclusion. Our society seems to think we can’t be fiscally responsible and be inclusive, diverse and equal at the same time and I just do not buy into that way of thinking!
I LOVED the book. I’m a big Chris Bohjalian & historical fiction fan, and this book did not disappoint. It was drawn into the story immediately, and loved the fascinating characters. One of the most interesting was Jubilee, Libby’s young niece who is living with her while her father was away fighting.
As always, the book features strong female characters who must summon strength they never knew they had in order to survive unimaginable challenges. And Bohjalian provides readers with a great deal to contemplate about war, the costs of war, the Civil War in particular, racism, and social structures. He gives insight into the different ways his characters see the world and respond to their circumstances, particularly Jubilee. It would make an excellent choice for a book club because there is much to discuss and debate.
I thought the author researched the time period well, and was drawn into the character development, the difficult time period, the heart wrenching things that so many had to endure through his writing. It was a very moving period piece, really feeling the impact of what it was like living during this war in this geographic area.
I liked the book although I thought that the war scenes were a little too graphic. The author’s research was quite in depth as he included common medical practices of the day, and the controversy surrounding freed slaves. He also brought the bitterness between the North and South into the book without beating the issue to death. The one objection that I had was at the end when Libby approached Jonathan. I loved that the book was based on real people and the author’s note was excellent.
I have a like dislike relationship with Bojalians books. I always approach one of his books with caution and with no expectations! I was pleasantly surprised this time. It’s well written and well researched. I was worried the ending was going to be a cliche but I think it ended well
I enjoyed the novel. It illustrated how conflicted ordinary people were about the war.
I agree with this review.Bohjalian’s usual good character development and research about the area and the times.
I think it’s one of his strongest works. His writing is always good, but for me his stories don’t always take flight. This one did. I enjoyed it.
I enjoyed the book very much as I could relate to it in many ways. I had family members who fought on the Union side & others who were Confederates. We had brothers fighting brothers and none of my family were slave owners. It was a complicated war and deeply emotional. I could resonate with many of Jubilee’s comments. She was a hoot! Loved her character.
I really appreciated how this book showed the devastating affects of war on everyone - not just soldiers. While the Civil War was justified by the South’s attempts to leave the union over the right to own people, the affects on both sides in this war were horrifying. War is used to justify terrible actions. Even people on the same side turn against one another, as the Steedman’s experience in this book