Ninus thinks, “Desire is a strange thing. What makes us want one person over another?” Do you think Onnes, Ninus and Semiramis exhibit desire, and if so, what do you think makes them want one person over another? How would you answer his question?

Ninus thinks, “Desire is a strange thing. What makes us want one person over another? Is it the memory of the past, the excitement of the present, or the promise of the future?” Do you think Onnes, Ninus and Semiramis exhibit desire, and if so, what do you think makes them want one person over another? How would you answer his question?

Semiramis desired Onnes firstly because of what he could give her, a way out of her current life. I felt she later desired Onnes because they understood each other. Semiramis’ bravery and determination were qualities both Onnes and Nunis found desirable. Ninus seemed to desire what he didn’t have, which was strength and bravery; he found both in Onnes and Semiramis.

Desire is a strange thing. In modern day language, its so biochemical in how we respond to one person or another. Looks, power, intelligence. Men seem most attracted by looks, while women are attracted to power and intelligence certainly more than men. I think in Semiramis’ case, the desire was on the part of Onnes who was attracted by her courage and strength, and she just used him initially to escape. With Nunes, I’m not sure where the desire started here–Nunes appreciation for her saving his life and amazment at her ability to equal that of men. So perhaps there it was his attraction to her physical prowess. This could be debated endlessly.


Yes, I think Onnes, Semiramis, and Ninus all exhibit desire, but in different ways. Onnes desired to be the strongest, most brutal of all of the warriors. He desired Semiramis, but he was attracted to her as an overall person. Semiramis desired a way out of her life in Eber-Nari. She desired more than one man, but in different ways; Onnes for what he could offer her, and for his ability to see her as a whole person and not just as an object, and Ninus for his good looks and his royal position. Ninus desired Semiramis for her looks, but I feel like Ninus fell in love too quickly. One minute he’s in love with his half-brother, and the next minute he’s in love with the half-brother’s wife.


Yes, all of them exhibited desire, The Assyrian culture appreciated power, and when Onnes saw that Semiramis was independent and was willing to do what was needed to be done, he saw her strength. He knew what she had done and while we might not agree with how she treated her adopted father, Onnes saw she was powerful, resourceful and strong and desired her and that strength. Semiramis was first attracted to Onnes’s station and ability to help her and get her out of her village. In a way they used each other.

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