Libby excels in the men’s world—from running the mill and defending her loved ones to negotiating with Union troops. As a newcomer and an interloper, what made her a good match for her husband, Peter?

Libby excels in the men’s world—from running the mill and defending her loved ones to negotiating with Union troops. As a newcomer and an interloper, what made her a good match for her husband, Peter?

Peter also seems something of an interloper in that he does not share the view of slavery which predominates in his community. Peter and Libby are both a bit “nontraditional” in that sense. What’s more they seemed to appreciate that trait in each other…

Peter rejected his family’s traditions, freeing all those who were enslaved on his family’s plantation. Libby, like her husband, was an abolitionist, and held her beliefs despite disparagement and ostracism from the community. They worked side by side on their land and truly loved & respected each other. She missed him and wanted him to return to her, and the feelings she developed for Jonathan complicated her life, but like Peter, she was loyal and steadfast, ultimately.