Is there a quote or scene in Babylonia that stood out for you? Why do you suppose it resonated?

Is there a quote or scene in the novel that stood out for you? Why do you suppose it resonated?

On page 40 Semiramis says " I don’t like fear." Ninus responds “Nobody does. And yet we all feel it.” then she responds “I try by best not to.” I thought this really summed up Semiramis. She pushes herself and takes risks throughout the book that are physically dangerous, sometimes even life threatening and yet she does them. She is powerful! Because of her ability to control her fear she accomplishes so much!

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P. 140: “Desire is a strange thing. What makes us want one person over another? Is it the memory of the past, the excitement of the present, or the promise of the future?” Ninus asks the question. It’s one I’ve asked myself.

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The scene that I remember clearly is when Semiramis tells Ribat that she is sending him to become a scribe. He has suffered a severe lashing and yet refused to betray her trust. His life was in jeopardy if he stayed close to her so she removes him from the danger and at the same time grants his most fervent desire to be scribe. I was happy for him.

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On page 356 Sosane says to Semiramis, “we all betray the ones we love.” Semiramis has betrayed her father, brother, and husband. Near the end of the book, Ninus, her husband, even wonders how she will betray him. Semiramis survival instincts and motivations were evident in this story.

“Women are at war every day of their lives because they’re expendable," she says. (page 45, Nisat)
This resonated with me because it was so true at that time in history.

“Lonely souls rarely find each other, but when they do, they aren’t meant to part.” (page 59)
In some ways, I think that lonely souls are drawn to each other, but I’m not sure if they are best for each other.

Laura, Great quote. I do think desire is fascinating. Not just for relationships, but for physical things. In my opinion, there seems to be greater appreciation if the attainment is delayed or there was an effort in obtaining in the desire.

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