Is there a quote or scene in A Map to Paradise that stood out for you? Why do you suppose it resonated?

Is there a quote or scene in A Map to Paradise that stood out for you? Why do you suppose it resonated?

The scene where Eva experiences her father, brother and boyfriend being swept up was very well done. I could feel the panic, horror and sense of helplessness Eva felt. It was one of those scenes where I asked myself “what would you do?”.

How wonderful and curious it is that home is not just the house you share with the people you love and who love you, but it is also this sensation, this way.

Home is where the people you love and who love you are. It isn’t a building, it isn’t a destination, it isn’t a lifestyle. Home is a feeling.

“She knew now that the people she’d meet along the way would either walk alongside her as companions or they would hold her back as competitors.”

I found this harsh, but true. As I look back over my life, I can easily tell you who my companions were and who my competitors were, but most importantly who my champions were and will always be!

On page 258, “There is no map to paradise. There is only the dream that such a place exists, as does the desire to possess it, and the determination to find it again when it’s been lost.” This quote resonated with me because we are all pursuing the dream of paradise. I love my life and where I live. I regularly say to my husband, “We live in paradise”. He’s not convinced, but I am sure of it.