How did you feel about the outcome of the court martial? What did you think about the admirals’ approach to the trial, and why do you believe they chose the course of action they did?
I was surprised - at first thinking that all they were really concerned about was the wreckage of the Wager, but later realizing they didn’t want to expose their officers and men as less than the British myth of superior gentlemen.
I was taken back by the approach but it soon made sense( not that it was right!) that men would want to protect their ego and the reputation of their British power.
The Court Martial was a sham. The outcome was beneficial to both sides because neither side was to blame. The admirals didn’t want the navy’s inadequacies to be exposed to the public and the world
What a joke! The Admiralty was more interested in not making the British Navy look bad than in seeing justice done. Not so different today, unfortunately.
I was not surprised about the outcome of the court martial. I think the admirals realized that no one was particularly innocent, so it was best to move through the process to satisfy public perception. The fact this process did happen warns others that their actions in the future could be scrutinized. Even though no judgement was made regarding the actions the men involved did suffer some personal repercussions that lasted their lifetimes.
I was shocked at first that there was not a court martial after all people died. But then I realized the admirals didn’t want to jeopardize their reputation.
I think all this was done “to save face” and keep the populace from realizing the conditions that early seamen faced. It is hard to believe people would have accepted the ship living conditions as well as enslaving unsuspecting people to play a role.
Sadly, it reminded me of what happens today in government. They had the court martial to say they had it, but then did what they needed to save face. I also was torn, because I felt like the crew and Captain had gone through such a horrible experience, how does one judge or know how one will react?