How did the political climate impact the voyage and the crew's time as castaways?

How did the political climate impact the voyage and the crew’s time as castaways?

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Unfortunately war is the often predictable source of human disaster, suffering and loss of life. The influence on the Wagers situation faired no better.

It seems that the political climate was driving the construction and effort to sent out the fleet of ships. However, the more local political climate seemed to affect the speed with which the ships were completed and ready to sail.
The largest effect on the castaways were those who were taken as Spanish prisoners, who had to wait until the “end” of the conflict to be allowed to return home.

I had no idea that ship exploration at that time was so primitive, and that the ship members were so unprofessional. This was also a time of the European powers trying to exert control over the rest of the world - colonization at its worst!

This was a time when European countries were racing to the “new world” in hopes of riches and being considered successful in establishing new trade routes as well as new lands. Sailors were hoping to share in the “spoils” due to conquering heroes.