Grann is the author of several non-fiction books (The Lost City of Z and Killers of the Flower Moon among them). Have you read any of his previous works, and if so, how do they compare to The Wager?
I also read Killers of the Flower Moon, which I found more difficult to read given the many characters. I felt that book was more like a college textbook than a novel. I found The Wager to be much more interesting and easier to follow.
I read Killers of the Flower Moon and it seems clear that Grann wants to tell the stories of indigenous people mistreated by “civilized superiors.”
I loved his book Killers of the Flower Moon, it read like a fast pace mystery so similar to this book. I liked the authors version much more than the movie as it gave the indigenous a voice as it centered on their story and the investigators
I read Killer Moon and loved it! However, I prefer The Wager as I am particularly interested in shipwrecks.
I read The Lost City of Z and enjoyed it, although as I recall the conclusion was open-ended, which felt like a letdown (but it’s been a l-o-o-o-ng time, so I could be misremembering). I tried reading Killers of the Flower Moon but couldn’t get into it; it was a DNF. It’s possible it just didn’t work well as an audiobook. I should probably revisit it in print. (Has anyone seen the movie, and if so, what do you think?)
I’m curious about The Devil and Sherlock Holmes and The White Darkness but I’ve yet to pick up a copy of either of those.
I have Killers of the Flower Moon, but have not yet read it; although I did see the movie. I had read about the high level of research that went into that book, so I was interested to read “The Wager.”
Grann faithfully presented the facts plus including maps and antidotal stories of the previous sailings. I felt he was totally objective . In his book Killers of the Flower Moon he did the same type of meticulous research while presenting an engaging story.
I have read those other titles by Grann. I am impressed by his attention to personalities, historical detail, and realistic (sometimes horrific) narration.
I did read “Killers of the Flower Moon”. It took place in Oklahoma and dealt with the Osage and the fight over oil rights. I think both books dealt with injustice - one on land, the other on sea. Characters in both books were treated in inhumane ways. I think the author made the reader think about past mistreatments in order to make a difference in what we do today.
I’ve never read anything else by Grann but would love to read Killers of the Flower Moon. I’m putting it on my (very long) To Be Read list.
I found “The Killers of the Flower Moon” was a more interesting book for me. The events of The Wager were so long ago that it did not appeal to me.
I have not read any other books by David Grann, but would like to read some of his others. I enjoyed his writing style in this book.
I did read The Killers of the Flower Moon as well as saw the movie. It revealed a history of creed and corruption that equals that of today! There has always been a segment of society that is always looking to score big on the backs of the marginalized members of society. It is an age old reminder of our corruptible nature.