Do you think the women end up becoming friends because of their similarities or despite them? Do you think their friendship helps them ultimately find happiness? What would have happened to each, do you think, if they hadn’t met?
With what each of them went through, the only possibilities would be becoming friends or drifting further apart. Their friendship absolutely helped them find happiness. Think about your closest friends. Can you imagine being as happy if they weren’t in your life?
I think they became friends because of the circumstances they found themselves in. Eva and June were hiding something. Melanie’s world had collapsed. Then secrets were revealed and they had to decide to help one another or turn on each other. They did help each other and it brought them close. The friendship also gave them each the strength to take their lives into their own hands and move forward.
They became friends because of their situations. Each needed help. Each needed someone to help give them perspective on their actions. And it ended up that helping the others helped lessen their individual griefs about their own situation.
I believe if they hadn’t met there would not have been the happy ending.
I think they became friends because of their unique circumstances. They were from three different environments, but once they got to know each other, they realized their similarities, became unified in the goal, and contributed to each other’s happiness. They would have been in a predicament if they did not have each other.
Their friendship was born of necessity. Their circumstances became inextricably intertwined, so they were forced to work together.
Eva knew what June had done, and felt sorry for her. She did not want to see her prosecuted criminally and rendered homeless, so she accepted June’s bribe – help learning to be a better typist and potential employment – because it would ultimately solve her problem. She would be able to leave her job for a new one, thereby keeping her secret about her real identity and not harming Melanie any further.
Melanie voiced her strong ethical and moral objections, but ultimately had to go along with keeping both Eva and June’s secrets for her own self-preservation. Revealing that a woman born in Russia had been her housekeeper for months would have further cemented Hollywood executive’s perception of her as a member of the Communist party or Communist sympathizer, keeping her blacklisted for an indeterminate period of time.
They worked their way to happiness together because they were loyal, clever, and resourceful. Had they not met? Melanie would probably be attending college in Nebraska, Eva would be cleaning someone else’s house, and June would like be in jail.
Friendship can be forged under all kinds of circumstances. This book was a great example of how hardships can bring people together to form a special bond. They were each so different from the others and they each had their own secrets they were trying to keep. Their secrets ended up requiring them to depend on each other. I’m not sure that any of them could have successfully navigated their situations without the others. Two possibly would have, but no spoilers from me.
I think that they became friends because of what was going on in each of their lives. They were all very different and might not have become friends under ordinary circumstances. I think that their friendship helped each of them to find happiness.
These women couldn’t have been more dissimilar, but they really had no one else on whom to rely. Their friendship saved their lives.
I think theirs was a situational friendship at first but I think their bond grew and developed as they worked together to solve problems. They grew to love and respect each other despite their very different life experiences.
Yup to your last sentence! Coincidence abounds in this plot.