Admiral Anson’s men loved him, while Cheap’s men generally despised their captain. What qualities did each have that impacted their crews? What do you think inspires people to loyalty?
To be heard! And of course to be treated fairly which Andon had in spades compared to Cheap!
In situations of leadership, the captain should be ware of how each job is interelated and what each responsibility is. Cheap was not aware of how to listen, encourage or lead anyone, much less a crew of many men wishing not to be with him.
I agree that Anson’s men felt they were treated fairly. There was also the perception that the captain was “one of them” - he pitched in when needed rather than just giving orders.
Admiral Anson exuded leadership qualities. His confidence, knowledge of the sea, care for his men, courage and excellent tactics at sea warfare were demonstrated and known by all.
Cheap was known for being “volatile and moody” and wanting to be in charge,
He saw himself as a “knight-errant of the sea”. None of these characteristics endeared him to those in his command. Anson, on the other hand, “had a mastery of himself” - cool and steady under duress. He was said to be sincere and honorable. With these virtues, no wonder men wanted to follow Anson.
I think leaders that are genuinely steadfast and kind inspire loyalty.