Which minor character intrigued you the most, and why?

The leopard! So cool, so removed from the intrigue and yet connected.

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Ribat is a very interesting character, a slave who dreams of becoming a scribe. He is very helpful to Semiramis providing her with various rumors overheard in the palace. In return, she frees him and finds him a position as a scribe. His loyalty to Semiramis is demonstrated when he protects Semiramis’ secret despite a severe beating by slaves of Nisat.

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I really admired Robards character and demeanor. Casati did a wonderful job of making him real to me. He wasn’t too much of anything that would make him unbelievable or hard to understand. He would make a good main character in another story

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I had this impression of Sasi being like Varys as well.

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I enjoyed Sasi - he was funny and I wasn’t quite sure where his loyalties were at times.

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