Paperbacks go to inmates at a local facility. Hardbacks go to our local Literacy Council. Others I trade at one of the many used bookstores in the area. And, of course, my shelves are full of those that I just can’t let go because I know I’ll want to read them again.
I’ve not heard of, but think I’ll look into it,.
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I usually donate them. If they are autographed or classics that I know I will read them again ,I keep.
If they are an author or genre I know my daughter likes I give them to her.
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I keep my favorites and share others with my sisters and friends.
I also have been putting books in Little Free Libraries.
Happy Reading!!
I tend to do a mix. I keep some of my books but for most I pass them on. I give them to friends, my library for sales or a local free library. It depends on the book.
I usually pass them on to a friend if there’s interest in it, or donate to my local library, which has an ongoing book sale in its basement.
1.If I love it, I keep it to reread passages that were especially brilliant.
2,If I think of someone the entire time I’m reading it, I send it to them.
3.Otherwise, I give it to the Friends of the Library for fundraising.
4.If I’ve done the second or third choice and regret it, I buy it from a second hand store and return to my shelf!
I keep the ones that have resonated with me.
Friends of the Library get stacks for their book sale.
A local detention center gets paperbacks.
Some I trade at a local book store for others I haven’t read.
I love having a personal library with books I can share with others. Periodically I review the ones I’ve read and purge some I feel I no longer want and date to a Free Little Library.
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I either give them to a friend who I think would like them or donate them to the library at the senior community where I live.