Do you belong to more than one book club and how do you choose your books?

I belong to Reader’s Digest book club on Facebook. They’ve been picking really great reads and the discussions are always interesting.

I also belong to Sarah Selects on Amazon Book Clubs. She has also been picking very good, new release reads and has weekly discussions, as well as author interviews.

I also subscribe to all the other book clubs available through Amazon, but they don’t have actual discussions, so usually I’ll just note their book picks on my TBR list and get to them when I get to them, if the book sounds interesting, where as the first two, I’ll read the book without learning what it’s about beforehand because of the discussions. I also have found a lot of new genres and authors this way whereas if I had read the description of the book first, I never would’ve gone for it myself.


Thank you for replying - this is very interesting.

I didn’t know about the Amazon Book Clubs.

Glad to hear you enjoy these.

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I had stumbled upon them accidentally myself about a year ago. Never looked back! Check them out when you have a chance. If you search for “books” in Amazon, on the very top a few options will come up including best sellers, text books, etc. And you’ll also see “Amazon Book Clubs”. When you click on it you’ll see all the featured clubs as well as the private ones regular people created. You also have an option to create your own if you want. I’ll probably do that once I have more free time in my life so I can manage it properly.


:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Thanks again.

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